Workspace members can communicate with each other by using comments. Learn how to start a conversation and tag other members.

Table of contents

Start a conversation

There are two ways to start a conversation: from a report header or from a specific widget.

From report header

  1. Click the icon (a bubble with a plus sign) in the header on the right side
  2. The conversation side panel will open. Click the button Start a conversation.


From a widget

<aside> 💡

A widget can be a KPI, chart or table. You build a report by adding different widgets.


Commenting on a widget helps focus the conversation on specific points, e.g. KPI, trend.

  1. Hover your cursor over the widget, and the icon (a bubble with a plus sign) will appear.
  2. Click on this icon to start a conversation


Tag another members

To notify a team member, type "@" in the comment and enter the first letters of the person’s name. The person you tag will be sent a notification.